I did read Posner's book about 15 years ago. For a few years it had me convinced I had been wrong and that Oswald was the lone assassin. But in recent years I have seen more evidence pushing toward the multiple shooters scenario.

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Who is this so-called "recent expert"? Reiner relied extensively on the expertise of Dick Russell, who has spent decades researching this case. I did read the Posner book but I remain convinced the forensics aren't there for a lone assassin.

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If this wasn’t in inside job there would be no need to cover it up. The coverup is all the evidence you need that the hit came from inside.

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No, we’ll never know who killed JFK, but Reiner’s podcast and your article remind us that not all conspiracy theorists are of the dangerous QAnon variety.

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It feels more and more like Q Anon was actually a government operation to poison the well for all conspiracy theories.

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Just visited Dallas this past year and did a tour of the JFK assassination. It was very eye opening and made me realize there is no way that Oswald killed JFK. Loved reading this piece.

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Okey-doke, will check it out.

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I'll try to make this short... lol

J Edgar Hoover (FBI Operatives/Guy Banister, etc.,) + CIA (operatives/Dulles) w/ Cuban Operatives (Bay of Pigs) + Mafia (Santo Trafficante/Carlos Marcello/ Jack Ruby) + Majic-12 (blessing) + Oswald (Fall guy/ Quadruple agent/CIA grooming/FBI Informat/Russian KGB grooming) = Assassination of JFK.

J. Edgar Hoover: Was running the FBI for 36 years before Kennedy became president. Hoover hated JKF (and RKF) - two young new guys trying to come in and tell Hoover what to do. JFK (RKF) wanted to rain in Hoover's power, have more control over the FBI, and a heavier crackdown on organized crime (the Mafia). They knew Hoover had turned a blind eye to many in the Mafia, essentially giving them a pass for decades. JFK/RKF wanted to put an end to Hoover and his reign. Hoover didn't like this at all and realized it was best to get rid of JFK/RFK. But how? The motivation and planning begins...

CIA: JFK said he wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." This was based on Kennedy's frustration with the CIA's failed attempt to overthrow the Cuban government (Fidel Castro) during the Bay of Pigs. CIA Director Dulles had almost 20 years of service with the CIA, was humiliated after being fired by Kennedy over the failed Bay of Pigs event. Dulles was furious at Kennedy and wanted revenge.

Dulles and other high-level CIA operatives were also pissed at Kennedy for his refusal to send in the military to support during the Bay of Pigs. They blamed Kennedy for the failed coup, which resulted in hundreds of Cuban CIA operatives dead (maybe even CIA agents dead but we will never know). This led to CIA/Cuban operatives involved in the Bay of Pigs also wanting Kennedy dead.

NOTE: Some of the Cuban Exile Operatives/Affiliates who played a role in the JFK assassination were: Herminio Diaz Garcia, Eladio del Valle, Frank Fiorini (Sturgis), Tony Cuesta, and more.

The Mafia: This connection is straightforward. CIA Dulles connected with mob boss Santo Trafficante, who was friends with mob boss Carlos Marcello, who was in turn connected to Jack Ruby. Carlos Marcello hated JKF and RFK. JFK/RKF had Marcello arrested and deported, but he snuck back into the country and wanted revenge. Marcello stated that "he was going to arrange to have President Kennedy murdered in some way." And he would need to take out "insurance" for the assassination by "setting up a nut to take the blame." Marcello's friend and fellow mob boss said, "Mark my word, this man Kennedy is in trouble, and he will get what is coming to him. Kennedy's got going to make it to the election. He is going to be hit."

The role of the Mafia (Marcello) in JFK's assassination was focused on using Ruby who then would kill Oswald before he could talk. The mafia (or Marcello) was also connected directly to the FBI and Hoover through the FBI agent Guy Bannister. Bannister helped groom Oswald and played a role in placing him as the fall guy. Bannister was also connected with helping some of the members of the assassin teams to fly out of Texas with the help David Ferrie.

Lee Harvey Oswald: He was connected to almost every group on the list. I do believe Oswald was part of the assassin group (a 3 man team) with access to the Book Depository, probably the lookout with two CIA/FBI operatives. The shooter in this group probably took a shot but missed. Either way, Oswald would take the blame and be linked to the killing, and later murdered by Ruby to be silenced.

Another assassin group behind the fence had two FBI/CIA operatives wearing suits and another CIA Cuban Exile Operative wearing railroad worker clothes with a toolbox. One man in a suit was posing as a lookout with fake credentials keeping people away. The other man in a suit was a shooter. After the shooter hit Kennedy, the rifle was passed to the man in a railroad worker outfit, who quickly disassembled it, placed it in the toolbox, and fled. The FBI/CIA agents were posing as security or undercover for the event so local police would give them a pass and not think twice. They also ensured the railroad worker got away with the weapon.

There were other teams set up who also most likely took a shot perhaps the initial one that hit Kennedy. All the teams were communicating through secure CIA radio communications with a radio frequency scrambler to ensure they were not being listened to. There were many people involved in all of this. It's almost like every conspiracy theory put together haha. I am surprised Rob Reiner made no mention of Hoover's involvement. The FBI was heavily involved all throughout the process, joining forces, and connecting all the dots with the CIA operatives/Mafia/Oswald and the others mentioned.

However, none of this would have been approved with the blessings of Majic-12 who also had an interest in JFK being killed to keep their operations a secret. Kennedy wanted to know everything Majic-12 was doing and they feared he would tell the truth about it all to the American public. There is no way they would let this happen.

Therefore, Majic-12 also played a role in allowing/ensuring JFK was killed. And Lyndon Johnson knew the truth but did not want to be next. The powers that be were too large and he knew it. So, to get their good graces he appointed Dulles to the Warren Commission with the help of Hoover/FBI, which resulted in the lone gunman one shooter bs.

If you want to watch something very interesting on all this. Here's a good link: https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/JFK_main_page.html


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Reiner only got one out of four hit men correct. Charles Nicoletti. The shooter behind the picket fence, who delivered the fatal head shot, was James Files, a veteran hit man who worked for Sam Giancona.

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Posner is a CIA asset!

His book is trash!

Read Phillip Nelson's

LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK assassination!

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I concur.

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Note Reiner's bait-and-switch here: First he promises to name the shooters, then he ends up acknowledging that his Big Reveal is just a guess, no more enlightening or conclusive than any other theory posited over the past 60 years. If Reiner, like everyone else who's looked into this case, "can't say for a certainty" what happened, then why is he talking about it at all, and why should anyone listen to him? What has he said that hasn't been said already? Being famous doesn't make a person smart, and it doesn't give him any more insight into this case than anyone else has.

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Knowledge and insight can only come from hard investigative work. So we turn to people like Reiner: to enhance our own insight and knowledge.

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Eight CIA people have disclosed that they helped organize the JFK assassination, over a period of forty years. This includes E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, who also went to jail for the Watergate break-in.

E. Howard Hunt said on video in 2004 that Cord Meyer led his CIA team that organized the JFK assassination, and that this team included David Morales, Bill Harvey, Frank Sturgis, David Atlee Phillips, and E. Howard Hunt (himself).

E. Howard Hunt said that Vice President Lyndon Johnson oversaw this CIA team that organized the JFK assassination.

LBJ’s big donor Clint Murchison was associated with the Rockefeller henchman John McCloy, who was on the Warren Commission, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, mob bosses Carlos Marcello and Sam Giancana, Richard Nixon, LBJ, and George Bush (of the CIA).

The Rockefeller brothers, including Nelson Rockefeller, and Prescott Bush helped to create the CIA, and the Rockefellers and Bushes ran the CIA when the CIA killed Kennedy. The Bushes, Rockefellers, and Clint Murchison were oil industrialists.

Kennedy supported CIA coup efforts in the (offshore) oil nations of Cuba and South Vietnam, but refused to escalate them into full-blown military invasions.

Rod MacKenzie of the Chicago mob wrote a book that said that LBJ’s fixer/hitman Mac Wallace told him that there were five shooting teams of four CIA/mob people on Dealey Plaza that day in Dallas.

Mac Wallace said that he was with Lee Harvey Oswald, L. Loy Factor, and Ruth Martinez on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. The two shots fired from this location missed Kennedy. One hit Governor Connally.

The two shots that hit President Kennedy came from the South Knoll (opposite the Grassy Knoll. The South Knoll is closely connected to the Railroad Overpass.

The team of four at the railroad included Charles Harrelson, whose son, actor Woody Harrelson says was in the CIA. He is normally described as a contract killer for the mob. Another possible shooter in this group of four was called “Dimitri” who was in an organization used as a front by the CIA called the ACCC. Three of these guys were arrested in a railroad car, posing as hobos.

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Kill shot from the sewer.

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Oswald acted alone. After 60 years that's the only conclusion that is consistent with the evidence.

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How is that consistent with the evidence unless you believe in fairy tales and magic bullets

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I would suggest reading Gerald Posner's Case Closed. Available from the library.

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It's not fairy tales. It adds up when you truly dig into it. The problem is that it's not very satisfying and won't generate book sales clicks or listens.

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They say we don’t know who killed Kennedy. Not true we do know now. The fatal headshot as outlandish and far out as it may sound was fired from the storm drain on Dealey plaza. It could only come this place. Ballistic experts have confirmed this. JFK’s head is blown upwards and to the left so the shot could not come from the grassy knoll as I believed it for decades. As the grassy knoll is at a higher level. The driver stopped the car (against protocol) just in front of the storm drain. He was paid to do it in case Kennedy wasn’t dead yet that’s why he looks backwards two times to check. The shooter in the storm drain was Jack Allen Lawrence who knew Jack Ruby from the Carousel club.

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Carlos Marcello, Santos Traficante, Sam Gianacana, Jimmy Hoffa.

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I will never believe that Oswald killed Kennedy. Reiner says there was no Oswald fingerprint or cheek impression on the rifle, yet the Warren Commission said there was? No one has mentioned the retired CIA guy who now admits - 60 years later - that he put the 'mystery' bullet that he found on the back seat head rest of the limo, onto JFK's gurney in the Parkland Hospital. (I think this came out after Reiner's podcast). The thing that is most difficult for me to swallow is Jack Ruby's involvement - it was a prototypical mob operation - have a suspect murdered before they can talk. Ruby was a slime ball, but not a political nut job. He had no reason to be incensed by Kennedy's murder, and driven to kill the suspected assassin. Seen and read of this Mafia scenario too many times.

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The fact that many of the records of the shooting are still to this day classified is in my opinion solid proof Oswald was not the trigger man, but rather just one of a number of shooters and conspirators who were there that day.

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